Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day Four: Smithsonian Day

Friday on the SCMS DC Tour is always Smithsonian Day.  We got a late start from the hotel, so that we could put our rooms in order and get packed up for the return to Tallahassee Friday evening.

We started our morning at the National Air and Space Museum.  Air and Space covers all facets of manned flight, from the Wright Flyer to the most advanced experimental aircraft.  Throughout Friday, the kids were allowed to tour the museums in small groups.  After lunch at McDonald's in the museum, we headed out for our second stop.

Continuing something that I began two years ago, we allowed students to choose what their second museum would be.  We had groups of about ten students at the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian.  The rest of the group toured the National Museum of Natural History.

For the last two hours of this year's trip, we all came back together to tour the National Museum of American History.  As with all of the museums on the National Mall, there is way more than anyone can see in a couple of hours - or a couple of weeks for that matter.  By the time 4:30 rolled around, everyone was just about worn-out.

After a quick dinner stop at the Golden Corral in Fredericksburg, VA, we settled in for a long bus ride back to Tallahassee.

Well, it's hard to believe that we were gone for a whole week.  It just flew right by.  I want to thank all of the parents that sacrificed to make this trip possible for their kids.  I know that it can be difficult sending your seventh grader off for a full week in the care of someone else.  As chaperones, we take that responsibility very seriously.  Speaking of chaperones, I want to thank Ms. Lawhon, Ms. Smith, Mr. Montgomery, and Mr. Koenig for taking a week away from their own families and friends to help make this trip a reality.  Finally, I thank the kids for having a great attitude during a long, tiring week.  For taking advantage of this great opportunity to learn something new, I offer you my heartfelt appreciation.

Since beginning this trip four years ago, it has been my goal to show kids that learning can be fun and that an enjoyable vacation could include something other than Disney World. In this I hope we have been successful.

For the Day 4 picture collection click here.

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